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Baby Behr Gender Reveal Box Tutorial

Earlier this year we had a BIG reveal for a little girl! This pink and blue party especially made for Princess Baby Behr included a gigantic polka dot box curated just for her big balloon release. To learn more about exactly how we made it all happen read the rant below.

First off I'm just going to be upfront with you; I do consider myself to be a gift wrap goddess. Anyone who knows me or receives gifts from me knows I prefer boxes over bags and have more wrapping paper and package tie ons than anyone I know (with only one exception - my mother). My team and I wrapped this box together and it definitely required more than one set of hands. The real trick was actually transporting the box, once it was wrapped it wouldn't fit inside any normal vehicle including a full size mini van (thanks for trying gma). We had to carefully transport this baby in a truck bed and strap it down.

The box we used is from ULINE and is labeled as 3ft.x3ft. but it's not actually 3ft. x 3ft. its bigger than that. The clearance inside the box is 3ft.x3ft. and the cardboard used for construction is exceptionally thick making it a few inches bigger all the way around.

Note: Transporting this alone is no small task even for an Avatar like me. Whether it is broken down or in its constructed box form the dimensions are incredibly awkward to carry by yourself. (I'd love to see the video footage of the K-Box gymnastics that took place when I transported this alone at our storage.)

You also want to keep in mind the box needs to be tied down once it is stuffed with balloons or they will just pop the lid right off. Because yes, this is a box with a lid, not a lame flap box.

We love lids! And because we love lids we wrapped every inch of ours. I hate when you see a beautifully wrapped reveal box and when the release happens and all the images are captured the box is open; If the inside of the box or underneath side of the lid doesn't look as beautiful as the outside it downgrades the aesthetic as a whole. It's little details like this that we focus on here at KHE to ensure your vision and ours never falls short. (See how perfect, precious, and pink the inside of the lid is in the images below)

Looks like Papa Behr was right, IT'S A GIRL!!

We released 24 latex balloons and 1 large mylar. We kept 6 latex and the mylar weighted at the bottom of the box and had the other 18 latex balloons free released. All the balloons were purchased at Party City.

*Pro Tip: Always get Hi-Float in your release balloons for best results!

*Pro-Pro Tip: Never get Hi-Float when making confetti filled balloons, it ruins the effect.

At KHE we really concentrate on being original and a balloon release has definitely been done before. With that being said we give our clients what they want, and they wanted a balloon release. It is then our job to try to find ways to make the release itself have its own identity and in this case the party was identified by the giant #babybehrbox which made Baby Behr's big debut all her own. Congratulations Mama Behr and Papa Behr! We can't wait to meet her!

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Melbourne, FL 


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